My Story
At the age of 17, I was a junior in high school, a captain on my Varsity soccer team, and the fastest 400 runner on my track team. I enjoyed making art, being social, and getting outside as much as possible. During the middle of the COVID pandemic, I decided to go out for a normal day of downhill skiing at Spirit Mountain in Duluth, Minnesota. It was Martin Luther King Day January 18th, 2021. On my first run, I decided to go off a jump. Seconds after I landed on my back and burst my T12 vertebrae which immediately compressed my spinal cord leaving me paralyzed from the waist down.
After years of recovery and finding my purpose I am now committed to making a difference in the lives of others. My work is focused on those with physical disabilities and spinal cord injuries but is meant to inspire all people. I am a full-time Content creator and Public Speaker. Through my channels, I show the world what is possible for disabled and abled individuals alike. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to mountain bike, waterski, surf, fly fish, and connect with millions of people across the globe through my social media. I take great pride in spreading positivity and optimism in everything I do and anywhere I go.
Timberman Triathon - Photo by Ben Austin